EPIC Kids Online Course


Welcome to the EPIC Kids Online Course. We are excited about the impact this course will make for so many children, parents, families, teachers, schools, etc!

This course incorporates proven techniques and skills that help kids learn to get themselves calmed and focused even in tense situations. It also gives them skills to better communicate their feelings and needs so they can be addressed instead of turning into behavior issues.

The course is still under development and will soon be ready for a pilot program to get feedback on the format, etc. before launching it nationwide. We anticipate a release date before the end of the 2015-2016 school year. If you would like to be in the pilot program (space is limited), getting access to these techniques before everyone else for a special rate and receive a free consultation with the content developer, enter your information below to hold a spot. You will be notified whether you made it in for the pilot program or if you are on the waiting list. Participants in the pilot program will also get access to the full course once it is officially released. We may be able to work up something special for those who were on the waiting list as well, so stay tuned!

Reserve a spot…

Please use this form to indicate your interest in receiving
more information about or reserving your spot in the EPIC Kids Online Course Pilot program..
Please use the check boxes below to indicate your desire to schedule a preliminary complimentary consultation or to schedule your next official appointment.